Hawaii Ka'u - August 2021 — Discover Starbucks Reserve

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Hawaii Ka'u - August 2021

Hawaii Ka'u - August 2021

On August 22, 2021, the Seattle Reserve Roastery launched Hawaii Ka’u coffee. This is a returning favorite, and was offered last year as well. Here is a look at the 2020 version of the Hawaii Ka’u card.

In 2021, the front of the card has been changed in subtle ways: The “I”s in the word Hawaii now have a dash between them and there are not dots atop the letter “I”. The “single origin coffee seal” has been moved from the right side of the card to the left side of the card. And as always, the description of the coffee has been updated to correspond with this year’s offering. Since coffee is a farm product, there will be some variation in the flavor from year to year, season to season and crop to crop.

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