Panama Carmen Estate (November 2015 Roastery subscription coffee)

Panama Carmen Estate (November 2015 Roastery subscription coffee)

The November 2015 Reserve Roastery subscription coffee was Panama Carmen Estate.

There is no U.S. taster card to go with this. In November 2015, Starbucks mailed the subscription coffees with a tall information card, but not a colorful tasting card.

Starbucks didn't start including Reserve taster cards with the subscription coffees until Rwanda Abakundakawa coffee.

There IS a Panama Carmen Estate card but it was NOT part of this 2015 subscription. It came much later for a shipment of this coffee to an international market.

Hacienda Alsacia Costa Rica

Hacienda Alsacia Costa Rica

Tanzania Mt. Meru (September 2015 Roastery Subscription Coffee)

Tanzania Mt. Meru (September 2015 Roastery Subscription Coffee)