Nicaragua Finca La Virgen (Roastery Subscription Coffee December 2015)

Nicaragua Finca La Virgen (Roastery Subscription Coffee December 2015)

I know almost nothing at all about this coffee, and never did try it. It counts as a US Reserve, so I am including it here. I am nearly positive that there was no pretty Reserve tasting card for this coffee.

Starbucks launched the Roastery subscription is about February 2015. My recollection is that the first two or three subscription coffees were duplicates of coffee that was already wildly available in Reserve stores everywhere. I believe that people complained - Customers wanted to be able to get something unique. At some point during the summer of 2015 (I think it was about August or so, but I'm really not sure), Starbucks began shipping one-of-a-kind exclusive Roastery coffees to Roastery subscribers.

As I recall, it wasn't until about January 2016 that Starbucks began including actual unique tasting cards just for the Reserve Roastery coffees. You can see what I mean here:

Roastery Subscription Coffee Category on this site

If anyone has any more detail or info on this topic, I would LOVE it. I would love to know exactly what the first Reserve Subscription coffee with its own Reserve tasting card was. I think it was the Rwanda Abukundakawa. I'm pretty sure of that.

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